Monday, September 28, 2009

Lots of free stuff at Wal-Greens

I love free stuff, and there's lots of it at Wal-Greens this week! I spent $13.50 for all these, and walked out with $21 in Register Rewards for next week. I could have spent less, but I miscalculated. Go to to find coupon match-ups.

Here's what I bought:

Transaction #1

Vasiline hand lotion, Robitussin, Halls, Herbal Essence shampoo, Floss picks, 3 tomato sauce: spent $1.18 before tax (I used $10 in Register Rewards that I earned last week.)

Trasnactin #2

Gillette razor, Herbal Essence, ponds cream x2, 3 hunts sauce. (Messed this one up a bit. Should have been $1.5 useing RR from hand lotion.) Paid $4.74

Transaction #3

Chapstick, Hand lotion, Emergen -C, 3 tomato sauce. Have to take this receipt back because they didn't get the tomato sauce coupon. Spent $7.11

Transaction #4

Floss, Oral B tooth brush, Halls, 3 tomato sauce. Spent $.94

Rite Aid has some good deals too. I'm going to get 24 count Zanatac and 2x 24 count Tylenol for $3 after coupons and rebates.


Friday, September 18, 2009

Harris Teeter Tripple Coupons

Harris Teeter is trippling Coupons this week. has coupon match ups for lots of free, less than $1 and less than $2 items.

Friday, September 4, 2009


This is the oatmeal packets that my brother used when we went hiking in Utah. He had them in ziploc baggies, then poured the ingredients into a styrofoam cup and added hot water. It would be perfect for a 72 hour kit. Here are the proportions:1 cup oats, 1 T powdered milk, 1/2 T sugar, 1/2 t. salt, and then add 2 and 1/2 cups of boiling water. The powdered milk should not be the instant kind, otherwise it doesn't mix well with the water. He also said that he sometimes he will add dried apples (also food storage item!)

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Homemade Laundry Detergent & Fabric Softener

At our meeting on Tuesday night the topic of Homemade Landry Detergent came up. Anita Daines has experimented with both the poweder and liquid form and shared her recipe with us.

This recipe is for a smaller quantity than we talked about which might be better for some people.

Homemade Laundry Soap

*The ingredients can be found at Walmart, Harris Teeter & Renfrow Hardware

1/3 bar Fels Naptha or other type of soap such as Ivory or Zote

½ cup washing soda

½ cup borax powder

2 gallon bucket

Grate the soap and put it in a sauce pan. Add 6 cups water and heat it until the soap melts. Add the washing soda and the Borax and stir until it is dissolved. Remove from heat. Pour 4 cups hot water into the bucket. Now add your soap mixture and stir. Now add 1 gallon plus 6 cups of water and stir. Let the soap sit for about 24 hours and it will gel. Stir mixture well.

It will look like this:

Fill an empty liquid detergent container or other container half full with warm water. Fill the rest of the container with your homemade detergent. You can add 10-20 drops of essential oils if desired. Shake container before using each time. Use ½ cup per load.

Homemade Fabric Softener

1 cup baking soda
6 cups distilled white vinegar
8 cups water
10-15 drops orange essential oils (optional) or lemon essential oils (optional) or essential oils, of choice (optional)

1. You will need a one gallon container.
2. First add the baking soda to the plastic container.
3. Next add 1 cup of water to start with.
4. Slowly add the vinegar to the bottle as the vinegar and baking soda will start to fizz.
5. Then add the rest of the water swirling around & cover venting the top a few times.
6. Last add the essential oil.
7. Add 1 cup in your final rinse cycle for each load.